
Human Relations Indie Gold Award for Life Journey

awarded 2017

The first edition of The Blue Chameleon received an award for the Human Relations Indie Gold Award for Life Journey in 2017.


Global eBook Awards - Bronze

awarded 2018

The first edition of The Blue Chameleon won the Bronze for Global eBook Awards in 2018 thanks to it’s availability on Kindle.


Readers’ Favorite Award: Silver Medal Winner


In recognition of excellence in writing: Non-Fiction - Autobiography

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“I really enjoyed The Blue Chameleon: The Life Story of a Super Cop by Daril Cinquanta. This book is filled to the brim about Cinquanta’s experience working as a police officer in Denver, Colorado. It also tells why Cinquanta finally retired. Daril Cinquanta certainly had many exciting experiences while working as a police officer. I am glad that he decided to share his experiences in The Blue Chameleon. In this day and age, police officers are greatly misunderstood and often portrayed in a negative light. It is nice to read positive stories and see how an officer has improved his community.

Not only did Cinquanta chase bad guys, but he did it all while having lupus. Never once did he let it affect his job or complain about it. Cinquanta also had a unique way of doing police work. Memorizing faces and facts about people is pretty clever. Reading this book has also given me a new view on police departments and how they always make one of their own pay. That is the only thing I did not like about this book. It is not always fair how they punish their own.

I like how Cinquanta organized his stories based on the years he worked in each department. I also learned something about Elvis Presley. I never knew he collected guns! I do not think they make cops like Cinquanta anymore. If they do, we could sure use one in Chicago! Overall, I really enjoyed The Blue Chameleon: The Life Story of a Super Cop by Daril Cinquanta. I hope that Cinquanta continues to share his stories from on the job.” -Reviewed by Jessyca Garcia for Readers’ Favorite, 2017

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Retired Detective Daril Cinquata gave decades to the Denver PD. He earned commendations, awards, and medals throughout his career. He meted out justice by arresting thousands of felons. He was a hard-working cop who played on the edge of legality to ensure that justice has been served. Even the best TV cops never play by the rules. His adherence to the law and commitment to the service for all was admirable and used as an example. However, not everyone liked his brand of justice. Many people would have liked to see him fail. This only worked to increase his thirst for justice.

The author plunges the reader into a fast-paced world of police work and the politics that lace the police force. You will get a first-hand account of actual events during Detective Cinquata’s service. You will get an insider’s look. This book is like being cast deep into an intense episode of NCIS where it is all action and tough-talking detectives. The narration is so vivid with clear descriptions and masterful settings that the reader will take a virtual walk through the precincts and have a bird’s eye view of crime scenes throughout the book. From the tone of the book and spirit that lurks within the pages, you can feel the passion that one man had for his work. You cannot help but admire his bravery. At the end of this book, not only will you greatly appreciate Detective Daril Cinquata but also have a newfound respect for any man in blue.

The way this story is told, with all the rough cuts and the gruff way only a cop can speak, you will feel like the author is narrating the story in person. He has done nothing to mask the true cop in him. There is a certain honesty in this book that is simply unmistakable. The story of this man’s life and the events throughout his career are told with absolute frankness and transparency. The events are corroborated by local news stories. So honest that he does not hide his imperfections either. He regales the reader with an embarrassing account of being caught pants down (or at least open). The author is not afraid to show his blemishes. He is not afraid to admit that he was scared at times, to reveal his vulnerabilities. This adds a layer of excitement and reality to this book. It lets the reader connect with the author and the story in a special way.

Rarely do we get to see an unairbrushed version of police work. The Blue Chameleon is simply a gem. Kudos for his enthusiasm and commitment to the job. Utmost gratitude for allowing an inside look into a decorated detective’s service and life in the force. The Blue Chameleon is definitely worth a read.

  • Posted by Literary Titan, 2020