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The Biography of Denver PD’s Daril Cinquanta

Daril Cinquanta developed a vision in his childhood of being a crime-fighter. Early in his 20-year career with the Denver Police Department he realized that being a cop was the only thing at which he ever excelled. Det. Cinquanta was the subject of hundreds of positive and negative headlines. His police work is legendary in Colorado police circles. “The Blue Chameleon” details the journey of Det. Cinquanta of the Denver Police Department, as he evolves into a “Super Cop” despite the efforts of some of his commanders, community activists and sometimes fellow officers who felt threatened by his diligent, successful police work. His career was punctuated by controversy, citizen complaints and disciplinary actions, but his detractors never broke his enthusiasm to chase “bad guys.” When he retired in 1990, his investigations and thousands of arrests resulted in imprisonment of more than 1,000 criminals nationwide.


Winner of the 2017 Human Relations Indie Gold Award for Life Journey


“Daril was a legend in Denver. He was an old-school hero cop who collared over 1,000 fugitives, solved big cases and stopped a potential series of police bombings in Denver.”
- John Walsh, America’s Most Wanted


Learn More About The Blue Chameleon